Community of public actors

Launch of a community of public actors in tune with third places

The ‘Nouveaux Lieux, Nouveaux Liens’ (‘New Places, New Links’) programme devised by the French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) has launched a community of public actors in support of third places

This community sets out to bring together public actors that are developing measures in support of third places in order to improve the promotion of our public policies. This community is also aimed at public actors at the State and local authority levels, which are not yet aware of the issues relating to third places and could use these hybrid places as a source of inspiration to improve the roll-out of their own schemes: new audiences, links to local communities, new management methods, etc.

The community has four main objectives:

  1. Organising fact-finding visits to third places for public employees, at the regional level
  2. Proposing national meetings
  3. Sharing resources: specification templates, panel methodologies, information about existing measures in favour of third places, portraits of public employees and third places, etc.
  4. For community members: granting a reciprocal right to engage in one discussion session per month with another member of the community in order to share good practices

First meeting of the community of public stakeholders

The first meeting of the Community of Public Actors will be held on Tuesday 5 April 2022, at the Pai Pai third place in Angers. It is open to all public employees of the State, local authorities and public employees of the hospital civil service.

Event programme

9 am Welcome session with coffee
9.30 am – 10 am Walking debate
10 am – 10.30 am Plenary session
10.30 am – 11.30 am Bootcamp to discuss collaborations with pairs or networks of third places and public employees or elected representatives
11.30 am – 1 pm Discussion workshops with public employees who have significant experience of third places
2.15 pm – 3.15 pm MasterclassHow can third places improve users’/citizens’ lives?
3.15 pm – 4.15 pm Working groupsHow can I, as a public employee, work with third places?
4.30 pm – 5 pm Feedback on the day’s events

If you would like more information, please contact us at